Are you a busy mom looking to transform your body and boost your fitness, but struggling to find the time? You’re not alone! We’ve designed a special 7-day fitness challenge just for you, packed with quick and effective workouts that fit into your busy schedule.
" Going into the program I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wanted something to kick start my energy and eating better. I’ve never had a great relationship with food and I find it hard to find balance being a mom and also having a full time job. Mallory was so easy to work with and so encouraging. Her meal plan was super easy to follow and allowed for changes to suit what you enjoy eating. Her workout plans were even easier and really worked every muscle in your body. The program allowed for tailoring to your needs and was nice and versatile for a mom on the go. Mallory also gave lots of useful tips on how to maximize your macros and that it’s okay to have rest days but to also do your best the day after. She also was very supportive in helping you achieve your goals as she is always there for questions and doing changes to help you succeed.Even after just two weeks I have a way better understanding of how to track my food intake and that you don’t have to work out every single day to see results, you just have to put the effort in! I would highly recommend Mallory to help you on your fitness/nutrition journey. "
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